Coffee Roma News

CNBC's "The Coffee Addiction"

From the jungles of Peru to America’s coffee cafés, CNBC’s “The Coffee Addiction” takes you on the coffee journey from bean to cup.

boxes at dawn

The United States is just twelfth worldwide when it comes to caffeine consumption. At an average of 3 kilograms (106 ounces) of coffee per person per year, Americans are well behind world leader Norway at 10.7 kilograms, or nearly three gallons, per person. Still, Americans consider themselves to be a pretty caffeinated culture. Certainly the growth of coffee shops around the country are a testament to how much we love our caffeine. Here, we take a look at some of the top buzz hubs as reported by market research company NPD Group. Looking at the number of coffee shops per capita, they’ve put together a list of the most caffeinated cities in America.

Watch a preview from CNBC’s “The Coffee Addiction”. Program Highlights: